Addison Foreclosure Mill

The lawyers

that foreclose

as “banks”

The Hopkins Law Firm is an entity, based in Austin, that derives 99.9% of its case load from BDF, the foreclosure mill attorneys in Addison, Texas.

The Hopkins Law Firm apparently also have the “Sample Appellees Brief” lodged with the Fifth COA, which we find rather concerning to say the least. Why can’t the Fifth provide this sample, and be seen to be impartial, rather than a debt collector?


Mark D. (Daniel) Hopklns

Attorney for BDF

Hopkins works solely as the lead “bounty hunter” for BDF. A search of the TAMES for the Fifth Circuit shows that Mark Hopkins enjoins or represents only cases which BDF is involved.  Currently there are 3 cases plus ours.  All past cases (disposed) in the Fifth are Mark Hopkins representing BDF.

Supreme & Fifth COA (2011-2018)
List of Cases
(All representing BDF)

All Courts TX (2011-2018)
List of Cases
(All representing BDF)


Shelley L. (Luan) Hopkins (Douglass)

Attorney for BDF

Former Snr Attorney at BDF, Shelley (Douglass) is now married to Mark Hopkins. Both continue to work soley for BDF, but claim to be Hopkins Law.

All Courts TX (2011-2018)
List of Cases
(All representing BDF)


(David B.) Brantley Boyett

Attorney and Assistant

Attorney come Paralegal/Assistant, Brantley follows Hopkins as his personal assistant.

All Courts TX (2011-2018)

List of Cases

(All representing BDF)

“Based on the foregoing and the Court’s determination
that the United States’ lien is entitled to priority
and Frappier is not entitled to attorney’s fees.”

F. FRAPPIER, Acting as Substitute Trustee, Plaintiff,
v. TEXAS COMMERCE BANK, N.A., and Internal Revenue Service, Defendants.

Civ. A. No. H-94-2405, United States District Court, S.D. Texas, Houston Division.

“We are unpersuaded by Givens’s argument that a genuine issue of material fact exists as to whether BDFTE was serving as the substitute trustee in providing the notice of the foreclosure sale. The summary judgment evidence established BDFTE was serving as legal counsel for the mortgage servicer, Midland, in providing the foreclosure notice on behalf of the lender, MidFirst.”

Court of Appeals of Texas,Dallas.
Roderick V. GIVENS, Appellant v. MIDLAND MORTGAGE COMPANY, Midfirst Bank, and Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel, LLP, Appellees. No. 05–11–00524–CV., Decided: December 05, 2012

The foreclosure

mill known as

BDF (Barrett, Daffin)

Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel, LLP, known as BDF or BDFTE is the foreclosure mill based in Addison, Texas. This company keeps it’s profile as secret as possible, hiding from public scrutiny.

BDF has been on the Supreme Court of Texas “Home Equity Loan Foreclosure Task Force” since as far back as 1997.


Tommy Bastian of BDF  is a leader for networking in courts and law associations, as seen in his address to the State Bar of Texas conference in Austin. The content of his presentation revolves around his seat at the Supreme Court HELFTF committee. Click here.


Michael C. Barrett

Founder (Deceased)

Deceased (2009). Founder of BDF, a background of his life is documented. Click Here.


Mary Adell Daffin


A good overview of Ms Daffin is provided at Bloomberg. Click here. She was summoned into the Bankruptcy court in 2007 and censured and fined, at that time she was drawing a salary of $500,000 for her position at BDF as IT Compliance Director.


Robert F. Frappier


What’s very enlightening is the case involving Frappier ‘as substitute trustee’. As you can see from the link (click here) he failed in his bid for lien and for attorney fees.

Yet in the Givens v MIdland case, Mark Hopkins, with an affidavit from his now wife, Shelley (Douglass) Hopkins, said they were not substitute trustees, but merely lawyers for the bank.

House Committee / Texas Legislature

Brian Engel, BDF Partner sells Quick Foreclosure Plan to Committee

“The committee recommends that in the 84th Regular Session the Texas Legislature consider legislation along the lines of Mr. Engel’s proposals to improve the certainty and efficiency of the foreclosure process.”

read report

“For their work, the law firm and its affiliate retain out of proceeds received in cash the remainder of the trustee’s commission provided for in the deed of trust (customarily 2.5% of the sale price) and sums to defray the legal work involved …”

“Under most deeds of trust, the selling trustee is obligated to apply sales proceeds first to pay the trustees a reasonable commission and attorney fees and other costs of sale, then to pay the debt secured by the lien foreclosed (i.e., to the owner, investor or loan servicer) and to pay any remaining surplus to the parties legally entitled thereto…” 

Brian Engel, Foreclosure Mill Partner, BDF.


“This court concludes the panel opinion would work a manifest injustice to the Burkes’ and other Texas homeowners.”


The Hon. Judge Smith, First District Federal Court, Houston, TX

Cheryl Lynn Asher

Attorney for BDF

Uses the email with domain name “” which is also barret burke daffin’s but again, no website available. Just used as an email server.

Marred to Dallas attorney Brad Eric Stockford 


Dustin Joseph Dreher

Attorney for BDF

DN News article, an industry news magazine for servicers, where he gives a rather one-sided review of the Constitutional Supreme Court Ruling (2016).

Dustin married Abbey Ulsh, both work as lawyers at BDF.


Ryan Joseph Bourgeois

Attorney for BDF

Age, appx 37, from Frisco, TX, with home in Richardson, TX

Originally, appears like he’s from LA, Mary Bode or Mary Ruelet of Metairie, LA associated.


Mitchell J. Buchman

Attorney for BDF

Works out of Houston offices. Linkedin profile.


Abbey Ulsh Dreher

Attorney for BDF

Abbey Ulsh married Dustin, both work as lawyers at BDF.


John Robert Callison

Attorney for BDF

New (2yrs) Dallas attorney.

Linkedin Profile


Jennifer Katta Chacko

Attorney for BDF

Lauren Emily `Lauren` Christoffel

Managing Attorney for BDF

Maynard Samuel `Sam` Daffin II

Attorney for BDF

Founder’s son I think (Mary). Twitter bio


Brian Scott `Brian` Engel


A key Partner / Attorney, he sells expedited foreclosures to Texas Legislative committees and takes every opportunity possible to sell BDF as the consumers advocate.


Robert David `Robert` Forster II

Attorney for BDF

Similar to Engel he’s a Partner and also like Tommy Bastian, another effective networking BDF attorney engaging key connections where ever and when ever possible.


Jeffrey Michael Fleming

Partner / Attorney

Another  BDF Partner, originally from Houston, now operates out of Addison Partner and Attorney for BDF.

Jeffrey Fleming, Esq.
Bankruptcy – Partner
Phone: 972-341-5322

Stephen C. Porter moves to MCS
after 23 yrs with BDF…

Moved quickly to MCS as General Counsel after investigation of Robo Signing thousands of Affidavits while at
foreclosure mill BDF.

According to the Dallas County Records, “Stephen Porter” from the firm Barrett, Daffin, Frappier, Turner and Engle has signed several thousand such assignments in that county alone.

study published in the Texas Law Review, * which looked at foreclosures in nonjudicial states that were brought before a judge in a bankruptcy, found illegal and improper fees rampant, plus myriad other problems. Again, in the typical nonjudicial foreclosure, the wrongful nature of these fees would never be exposed. *Article no longer available.


Dayna Fuller Gladney

Attorney for BDF

Heather Lora Gram-Chavez

Attorney for BDF

Daniel Matthew Horne

Attorney for BDF

Paul K. Kim

Associate / Attorney for BDF

Jessica Ashley `Jessica` Riley

Attorney for BDF

Crystal `Gee` Roach

Attorney for BDF

Related to James Allen Roach, attorney at  this firm. Click here

Mark Hopkins is currently defending Roach for BDF in a case involving a real estate practice in the Fifth Circuit.


Rachael `Aly` Swernofsky

Attorney for BDF

Steve P. `Steve` Turner


Co-Founder and major player. DSN gives a few articles that expand on his role. Click here 

Steve works and lives in Austin, which just happens to be where Mark Hopkins works and lives.


Joseph MIchael Vacek

Attorney for BDF

Respectfully, this court concludes that the panel decision regarding the validity of the 2011 assignment is clearly erroneous.

The Hon. Judge Smith, First District Federal Court, Houston, TX

Connie Jo Vandergriff

Partner / Attorney for BDF

Jennifer Anne Pfieffer Hooper

Attorney for BDF

Tommy `Tommy` Bastian

High ranking Attorney at BDF

Keeps a low profile but is a major networker at Supreme Court, Title Institute and more… \ 972.386.5040

“Under this view, MERS always acts simultaneously as both beneficiary and nominee under the deed of trust. Like the two-headed fictional character Zaphod Beeblebrox, MERS is a single integrated entity who happens to wear two opposing hats, one labeled “Principal” and the other “Agent…”

“The difficulty with the dual capacity theory as an Erie guess is that no Texas
court at any level has ever adopted it……” 

The Hon. Judge Smith, opinion in Deutsche Bank v Burke

“Deutsche Bank filed its complaint in 2008 and had more than five years until the eventual trial to produce competent evidence to prove its right to enforce the note at the time the suit was filed and prove the amount of the indebtedness. …”

“When Deutsche Bank finally tried its case in mid–2013, it relied upon a note secured by a mortgage payable to the order of the original lender, a specific indorsement transferring the debt to an entity other than Deutsche Bank, a single witness employed by the latest in a succession of “loan servicers,” and upon unauthenticated, largely unexplained papers it advanced as proof of its standing…..”