Abbott Vetoes Mortgage Servicers Accountability – SB830

Despite overwhelming votes for the inclusion of SB830, Abbott alarmingly vetoes the proposed Texas legislature that would restrict mortgage servicers racking up unaccountable and unconstitutional fees and interest.

SB 830 – Relating to the provision of accounting statements by mortgage servicers for certain loans secured by a lien on residential real property.

Floor Amendment No. 1

Amend SBi830 (house committee report) on page 3, by striking lines 7 through
11 and substituting the following:

(1) the borrower is not liable for any fees, penalties, or late charges, or any other amounts except for any principal and interest that may be due for the preceding calendar year; and

The amendment was read.

Senator Rodrıguez moved to concur in the House amendment to SB830.

The motion prevailed by the following vote:

Yeas: 25, Nays: 5, Present-not voting: 1.



Bettencourt, Birdwell, Buckingham, Estes, Garcia, Hall, Hancock, Hinojosa, Huffman, Kolkhorst, Lucio, Mene´ndez, Miles, Nelson, Nichols, Perry,Rodrıguez, Schwertner, Seliger, Taylor of Galveston, Uresti, Watson, West, Whitmire, Zaffirini.


Burton, Campbell, Creighton, Huffines, Hughes.
Present-not voting: Taylor of Collin

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